Is the Grass Greener with Organic Fertilizer?

One of the most common questions that homeowners have is whether it’s worth it to switch over from conventional fertilizer to organic grass fertilizer. The answer can be very different depending on a few factors: what your soil needs, how much time and money you want to spend maintaining your lawn, and where you live. In this article we’ll explore these three things so that you can make an informed decision about switching over to organic fertilizers for your lawn!

Improves Soil Conditions

The first and most obvious benefit of organic fertilizers is that they can improve the overall health of your soil. This means better conditions to support a healthy lawn, as well as healthier plants in general! In conventional fertilizer, you’re applying synthetic chemicals which have been specifically designed for one-way use – where those specific nutrients are taken from the soil and used by the plant.

When you use organic fertilizer, instead of taking these nutrients away from your soil and potentially harming it in some way (especially if overfertilized), you’re adding more beneficial microorganisms to help support a healthy environment for grass growth! This can lead to stronger roots and overall healthier lawns that are less likely to be impacted by pests and diseases.

Decreases Pesticide Use & Maintaining the Same Appearance

Conventional fertilizers are usually treated with pesticides to prevent weeds, insects, or fungus from damaging your lawn while it’s growing (or after you’ve applied). When using organic fertilizer, there is no need for these additional chemicals which can have harmful side effects on the environment. This means that you can have healthier soil, less pesticides in use around your home, and potentially even lower maintenance costs!

Decrease Maintenance Costs & Save Time

Many people report spending more time maintaining their conventional lawns because it requires so much attention to ensure the right amount of synthetic chemicals are being applied at each step. If you use organic fertilizers, it usually means spending less time and money maintaining your lawn because there is no need for as much chemical treatment to keep up appearances!

The Richlawn Company